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Meet the Team

Our Story

ePupp formed after co-founders Peter and Ethan spent months looking for the perfect addition to our respective families... We both found the search full of conflicting information about adoption processes, had run-ins with suspected puppy farms, charities left us on read, and there was frequent stress about falling for online scams.

To make sure no one had to go through the same, we started to look for ways we could support animal charities. We quickly realised that easy-to-use technology wasn't readily available to charities and this resulted in hours spent on the admin of finding future owners. This time could have been invested in what charities do best - looking after the wellbeing of the animals.

Looking at the market for puppies and kittens, we saw a huge need for education and information to help future owners find ethical breeders who cared about the welfare of their litters.

We started ePupp as our way of giving back to organisations promoting animal welfare, and improving the animal welfare in the UK as a whole. Since we started we've been extremely fortunate in building an incredible team of like-minded people to help bring our vision to reality.

Our team

ePupp Advisory Board

ePuppers Pet Team